To help you keep track of the money coming in and manage your cash flow it's important that you record your customer receipts. The Customer Receipts window helps you easily allocate the receipts to the relevant invoices.
You can see what the oldest outstanding invoices are so that you can clear these invoices first or you can even spread the receipt value over multiple invoices.
Bank or Customers > Customer Receipt.
Account Ref | Choose the required bank account. |
Account | Choose the required customer account. |
Date | Enter the date of the receipt. |
Amount | Enter the amount of the receipt. |
Reference | Enter a reference for the receipt. |
Rate | Note: This only appears if you have activated the Foreign Trader option. Enter the required exchange rate for the payment. |
Show | To filter your which transactions appear in this window, from the drop-down list choose one of the following:
List Invoice/Credit by item line | To see the individual lines for invoices which have been grouped, select this check box. |
Receipt | Enter the required receipt value against the relevant invoices. To allocate credit notes or payments on account, enter the value you want to allocate on the credit note or payment on account item line and enter the same value on the invoice item line. Tip: If your invoices have been fully paid you can use the Pay in Full option which automatically enters the full value of the invoice. |
Discount | In the Discount column enter any required discount value against the relevant invoice. You must also reduce the receipt value by the discount value. |